









-Warden: Thats what I thought. 那也正是我觉得的。

-Warden: Im sure by now youve heard. Terrible thing. 我想你已经听说,那个坏消息了。

A man that young, less than a year to go, trying to escape. escape: 逃走,逃跑

一个这么年青的人,还有一年就要出狱了,还想逃狱。 Broke Captain Hadleys heart to shoot him. break ones heart: 使人伤心,使人痛心 Hadley队长被迫开枪。

Truly, it did. We just have to put it behind us. Move on. truly: 的确 put behind: 忘却


-Andy: Im done. Everything stops. Get someone else to run your scams. run: 经营 scam: 阴谋

我已经完了,一切己结束了,找其他人帮你做吧。 -Warden: Nothing stops. Nothing. 任何事都没停下来,任何事。

Or you will do the hardest time there is. No more protection from the guards. protection: 保护 guard: 警卫


Ill pull you out of that 1 -bunk Hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. bunk: 床位 sodomites: 鸡奸者


Youll think youve been fucked by a train. And the library? Gone. 你会认为你被火车操了。至于图书馆?不存在了。

Sealed off, brick by brick. Well have us a little book barbecue in the yard. Theyll see the flames for miles. Well dance around it like wild Injuns.

seal off: 封闭 brick by brick: 一点一点地砌 barbecue: 烤肉 flames: 火焰 wild: 野的 Injuns: 〈俚语〉印第安人


You understand me? Catching my drift? Or am I being obtuse? Give him another month to think about it.

drift: 意图 obtuse: (智力)愚蠢的

你明白我的意思了吗?听懂了吗?可能我很愚蠢?再给他30天时间考虑了解。 -Andy: My wife used to say Im a hard man to know. Like a closed book. closed: 合着的


Complained about it all the time. She was beautiful. God, I loved her. I didnt know how to show it, thats all.

complain: 抱怨 all the time: 一直


I killed her, Red. I didnt pull the trigger, but I drove her away. Thats why she died, because of me, the way I am.

trigger: (枪的)扳机 drive away: 赶走,驱散


-Red: That dont make you a murderer. Bad husband, maybe. Feel bad about it if you want, but you didnt pull the trigger. murderer: 谋杀犯

那不可以判你谋杀的,只可以说是坏丈夫。你可以针对这个问题难过,但枪不是你开的。 -Andy: No, I didnt. Somebody else did. And I wound up in here. wind up: 使卷入


Bad luck, I guess. It floats around. Its got to land on somebody. It was my turn, thats all. guess: 〈美国口语〉觉得 float: 散播 land on: 强迫?接受

运气不好,我想。霉运到处漂浮,总要有人承受的,刚巧轮到我罢了。 I was in the path of the tornado. path: 路线 tornado: 飓风 我刚好碰上了它。

I just didnt expect the storm would last as long as it has. Think youll ever get out of here? expect: 希望 storm: 暴风雨 as long as: 和?一样长 我只是没有想到会这么久。想过你有一天能出去吗? -Red: Me? Yeah. One day, 我?有。有一天。

when I got a long, white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs. beard: 胡须 marbles: 〈俚语〉(常做复数)理智 roll around: 流逝 到我头发花白,头昏眼花时。

-Andy: I tell you where Id go. Zihuatanejo.

Zihuatanejo.: 【在墨西哥,太平洋中的一个小地方】「按照Andy后来的解释」 我告诉你,我会到哪里去。圣哈塔尼奥。 -Red: Say what? 什么?

-Andy: Zihuatanejo. Its in Mexico. A little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?

Pacific Ocean: 太平洋 Mexican: 墨西哥人

圣哈塔尼奥,在墨西哥。太平洋中的一个小地方。你清楚墨西哥人怎么形容太平洋的? They say it has no memory. Thats where I want to live the rest of my life. memory: 记忆 the rest of: ?的其余部分


A warm place with no memory. Open up a little hotel, right on the beach. beach: 海滩


Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up new. Take my guests out charter fishing. worthless: 无价值的 fix up: 〈口语〉修缮 charter: 包租的 fishing: 钓鱼 买艘划不来钱的旧船回来,把它翻新,载着我的客人出海钓鱼。

-Red: Zihuatanejo. 圣哈塔尼奥。

-Andy: In a place like that, I could use a man that knows how to get things. 在那种地方,我需个能找到东西的人。

-Red: I dont think I could make it on the outside. I been in here most of my life. Im an institutional man now.

make it: 〈口语〉取得成功 institutional: 规格化的

我认为外面的社会可能不合适我,我的大半生都在这里渡过,我已经是这里的一些了。 Just like Brooks was. 就像Brooks那样。

-Andy: You underestimate yourself. underestimate: 低估 你看轻了你自己。

-Red: I dont think so. In here Im the guy who can get things for you, sure, but outside all you need is the Yellow Pages....

Yellow Pages: 〈美国英语〉黄页(手机号簿的一些,专载厂商、公司等电话号码用户的名称及号码,按行业划分排列,并附有分类广告)


Hell, I wouldnt know where to begin. Pacific Ocean? Shit. Scare me to death, something that big. hell: 地狱【表示咒骂】 scare: 惊吓

我不清楚如何启动。太平洋?狗屁,既然如此那,大的地方会吓死我的。 -Andy: Not me. I didnt shoot my wife, and I didnt shoot her lover. shoot: 射死 lover: 情夫


Whatever mistakes I made, Ive paid for them and then some. mistake: 错误 pay for: 偿还


That hotel, that boat. I dont think thats too much to ask. 一间旅馆和一条船,我要的依然不会太多。

-Red: You shouldnt be doing this to yourself. This is just shitty pipe dreams. shitty: 〈俚语〉不合适的 pipe dream: 幻想 我劝你不要再想了,那只是你的梦想罢了。

Mexico is way down there and youre in here and thats the way it is. 墨西哥在遥远的天边,而你在这里,这才是现实。

-Andy: Yeah, right. Thats the way it is. Its down there and Im in here. 是的是这样。它在远方,而我在这里

I guess it comes down to a simple choice. Get busy living ?or get busy dying. simple: 简单的 get busy doing: 主要精力都在做某事

我想唯有一个简单的选择,要么忙着活??要么忙着死。 -Red: Andy. Andy。

-Andy: Red. If you ever get out of here, do me a favor. do me a favor: 帮我个忙 favor: 恩惠 Red,假设你能出去,帮我做件事。

-Red: Sure, Andy. Anything.


-Andy: Theres a big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is? hayfield: 种秣草地

布克斯顿附近有一个草场,你清楚在什么地方吗? -Red: a lot of hayfields up there. 那里有不少牧场。

-Andy: one in particular. Its got a long rock wall with a big oak tree at the north end. particular: 特别的 oak: 橡树


Its like something out of a Robert Frost poem. Its where I asked my wife to marry me. Robert Frost: 佛洛斯特,美国著名诗人 poem: 诗 marry: 嫁 像Frost的诗描绘的那样。那是我向我太太求婚的地方。

We went there for a picnic and made love under that oak and I asked and she said yes. picnic: 野餐 make love: 做爱

我们到那里去野餐,还在橡树下做爱,我向她求婚,她答应了。 Promise me, Red. If you ever get out, find that spot. promise: 答应 spot: 地址位置


At the base of that wall, theres a rock that has no earthly business in Maine. base: 基底 earthly: 可能的 Maine: (美国州名)缅因 在墙角下,有块与众不一样的石头,

Piece of black, volcanic glass. Somethings buried under it I want you to have. volcanic: 火山的 glass: 类似玻璃的物质 bury: 埋 一块黑色的火山玻璃石,下面埋着我想给你的东西。 -Red: What, Andy? Whats buried under there? 是什么,Andy?埋在那里的是什么? -Red: Youll have to pry it up to see. pry: 用杠杆撬开


-Red: No, Im telling you. The guy is... Hes talking funny. Im really worried about him. 不,我告诉你,他??他只是在开玩笑,我真的很担心他。

Lets keep an eye on him. Thats fine during the day, but at night hes all alone. keep an eye on: 关注 alone: 独自地

那就好好看着他吧。白天还可以,但晚上咋办,应该如何处理? -Heywood: Oh, Lord. 上帝。

-Red: What? 什么事?

-Heywood: Andy come down to the loading dock today. He asked me for a length of rope. loading dock: 码头【在电影中是指囚犯拿从外边偷运到监狱里来的东西的地方】 a length of: 一段 length: 长度 rope: 绳索

Andy今天到我这里来过,他问我要了捆绳索。 -Red: Rope?




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