百万英镑120词英语读后感? 百万英镑120词英语读后感 "A million Pounds" tells the story of a poor but very honest man, but also the protagonist of this novel received a pair of brothers letter, there is a million pounds, the origina...
"A million Pounds" tells the story of a poor but very honest man, but also the protagonist of this novel received a pair of brothers letter, there is a million pounds, the original brothers made a big bet, bet this poor and honest man, get a million pounds, what is his final outcome? The elder brother thought he would starve because he could not prove that the million pounds were his own.
The younger brother thought he would have a good life, so he lent the man money and went abroad for 30 days. Unexpectedly, in the short 30 days, people tried their best to make friends with this man who had become rich overnight. They gave him free accommodation, clothes and food, and kept improving his status.
Finally, he became a duke! Not only that, he also got a beautiful wife and 30,000 pounds in bank interest, and finally got a good job from two brothers, living a comfortable life!
After reading this book, I realized that; Money is outside things, no money can rely on their own ability to make money, but a person does not work without principles is not good, even if he has more wealth, but he will not be happy!
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百万英镑120词英语读后感? 百万英镑120词英语读后感 "A million Pounds" tells the story of a poor but very honest man, but also the protagonist of this novel received a pair of brothers letter, there is a million pounds, the origina...
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