


1.How are you doing?你好吗?

美国人见上一面时候最经常会用到的打招呼方法就是,Hey!How are you doing?或是How are you?还有Hows going?也很常见。


2.Whats up?什么事?

Whats up?也是很经常会用到的一种打招呼方法。

3.Could you do me a favor?有没有可能帮我一个忙?

人是不可以自己独立一个人活的,需别人帮忙的地方不少,故此,常常会讲,Could you do me a favor?或是Could you give me a hand?这算是比较正式而礼貌的讲法。

1.What would you like to drink?


2.What time is it?


3.What are you doing?


4.What do you think ?


5.Where are you from?


6.Who is she?


7.Why did you say that?


8.When is your birthday?


9.Where would you like to go?


Whats up?什么事?

Whats up?也是很经常会用到的一种打招呼方法。


Hey!Liu Ying!那我一般就可以答说,Hi!Bob.Whats up?那就是问对方近来怎样,有哪些事吗?一般假设没什么事人家就可以说,Not much.

不过还有一种情况也很常见,你先跟人家说,Hey!Whats up?这个时候别人不说,Not much.反到是反问一句,Whats up?故此,Whats up?已经变成有点Hello!的味道在里面了。

Whats up?也常被用来问人家有哪些事?比如有人登门拜访,你就可以说Whats up?有何贵干啊?总而言之Whats up?在美国应用得很广。


1,How do you do?答语How do you do?口语首次见上一面时,用汉语意思是你好,答语也差不多的。

2,How are you? 答语 I am fine. I am OK. I am very well.熟人当中第一次见上一面,大多数情况下用这个短语提问,答语有三种。

3,Whats your name? 答语 I am…… My name is ……初一针对个人信息的提问应该非常多,故此,询问你的名字是比较普遍的,会用英语回答,涵盖其他的个人信息。

1、How are you?

2、Whats this/that in English /Whats this?

3、What your /her/his name/last name/first name?

4、What color is....?

5、How do you spell......?/Can you spell......?

6、Whats your telephone number/phone number?

7、Whats your school ID card/ID card?

8、Is this/that your/his/her......?

9、Is that/this your...... in the lost and found case?

10、Is she/he sister/brother?

11、Wheres my.......?

12、Do you have a......?

13、Do you like......?

14、Does she/he have a......?

15、Does she/he like......?

16、How much is this......?/How much are these......?

17、When is your/his/her birthday?

18、When is school trip?

19、Do you want to go to a.....(地方)?

20、Can you play the......(乐器)?

21、What time do you go to.....(地方)?

22、Whats your favorite subject


what how where who why when



2. 特殊疑问句 。;

3. 选择疑问句。;

4. 反意疑问句。



1.What time is it?(几点了?)

2 .What are you doing?(你在干什么?)

3.What did you say?(你说什么?)

4. What do you think?(你觉得怎样?)

5.What do you recommend?(你有何推荐的?)

6.What are you looking for?(你在找什么?)

7.What is this for?(这是用来做什么的?)

8.What would you like to drink?(你想喝什么?)

9.What do you call this in English?(这用英语怎么说?)

10.What school do you go to?(你在什么地方所学校深造念书?)


1. Where are you from?(你从哪里来?)

2. Where is your company?(你们公司在什么地方?

3. Where is the restroom?(洗手间在什么地方?)

4. Where are you headed?(你去哪里?)

5. Where should I pay?(我该在什么地方交钱?)

6. Where did you buy it?(你在什么地方买的?)

7. Where did you learn English?(你在什么地方学的英语?)

8. Where do you work?(您在什么地方高就?)

9. Where would you like to go?(你想去哪里?)

10. Where have you been?(你去哪了?)

三:有关When 口语中最经常会用到的问题:

1. When did you come here?(你什么时候到的?)

2. When does the meeting start?(会议什么时候启动?)

3. When will you finish your work?(你什么时候做完?)

4. When is this due?(具体是什么时候到期?)

5. When will the flight arrive?(飞机什么时候到港?)

6. When are you free?(你具体是什么时候有空?)

7. When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)

8. When is he coming back?(他具体是什么时候回来?)

9. When does the store open?(商店具体是什么时候开门?)

10. When can I see you again?(我什么时候可以再见到你?)


1.Who did that?(那是谁干的?)

2.Who is she?(她是谁?)

3.Who’s calling?(您是哪一位?)

4.Who do you think you are?(你以为你是谁?)

5.Who will take over his job?(谁来接管他的工作?)

6.Who does this belong to?(这是谁的?)

7.Who told you that?(谁告诉你的?)

8.Who asked you?(谁问你了?)

9.Who are you looking for?(你在找谁?)

10.Who do you think you are talking to?(你以为你在跟谁说话?)

五:有关Which 口语中最经常会用到的问题:

1.Which is yours?(哪一个是你的?)

2.Which hotel are you staying in?(您在什么地方个宾馆下榻?)

3.Which is better?(哪一个更好一点?)

4.Which city do you like best?(你最喜欢哪个城市?)

5.Which one should I buy?(我该买哪一个?)

6.Which train should I take?(我该坐哪趟火车?)

7.Which department do you work for?(你在什么地方个部门工作?)

8.Which restaurant do you recommend?(你推荐哪个饭店?)

9.Which number should I call?(我该打哪个电话号码?)

10.Which newspaper do you read?(你读哪家报纸?)

六:有关Why 口语中最经常会用到的问题:

1. Why is that?(那是咋回事?)

2. Why not?(何不呢?)

3. Why did you say that?(你为什么既然如此那,说?)

4. Why would you quit your job?(你为什么要辞职?)

5. Why did you come to China?(你为要到中国来?)

6. Why do you study English?(你为什么要学英语?)

7. Why are you so happy?(你怎么这么高兴?)

8. Why are you late?(你为什么晚了?)

9. Why do you ask?(你问这个干什么?)

10. Why can’t you come?(你为什么来不了?)

七:有关how 口语中最经常会用到的问题:

1. How are you?(你好吗?)

2. How can I help you?(我能帮你什么忙吗?)

3. How much is it?(这个多少钱?)

4. How long have you been in China?(你来中国多久了?)

5. How about having dinner with me?(跟我一起吃晚饭好吗?)

6. How do you like it?(你喜欢吗?)

7. How are you feeling?(你感觉怎么样?)

8. How many children do you have?(你有哪些孩子?)

9. How was the meeting?(会议开得怎么样?)

10. How’s business?(生意怎么样?)

八.有关What color……口语中最经常会用到的问题

1.What color is your bag? 你的书包是什么颜色的?

2.What color is her skirt? 她的衬衫是什么颜色的?

3.My cup is red. What color is yours?


4.What color are the new chairs? 那些新椅子是什么颜色的?

5.What color are the keys? 这些钥匙是什么颜色的?

6.What colour is your ruler? 你的尺子是什么颜色的?




英语疑问句有四种问句,即大多数情况下疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问。可能有少数人把反意疑问中附在肯定句或否定句后面的简短问句误拆分成两种反意疑问句,把否定疑问句误独自算为一种疑问句。再有就是把大多数情况下疑问句中的设问形式误为一种疑问句了。(1)大多数情况下疑问句Do you like bananas?

(2)选择疑问句Do you like basketball orfootball?

(3)反意疑问句Tom goes to school at 7,doesnt he?

(4)特殊疑问句What time do you get up?

(5)否定疑问句He doesnt like oranges, does he?(反意疑问句中的一种)。

(6)设问句Dont you understand me about it?(大多数情况下疑问句中的一种类型)。

由who, whose, whom引导开头的



who are you?

你 是 谁?

您好,1. 大多数情况下疑问句:主语+动词+其他?

比如:Are you hungry?(你饿了吗?)

2. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+主语+动词+其他?

比如:What time is it?(目前几点了?)

3. 反义疑问句:陈述句+否定词+附加问句?

比如:You dont like coffee, do you?(你不喜欢咖啡,对吧?)

4. 强调疑问句:疑问词+助动词/系动词+主语+动词+其他?

比如:Who did you invite to the party?(你邀请了谁来参与聚会?)

5. 选择疑问句:可能/或者+主语+动词+其他?

比如:Would you like tea or coffee?(你想要茶还是咖啡?)

6. 倒装疑问句:助动词/系动词+主语+其他+动词?

比如:Does she speak French?(她会说法语吗?)

大多数情况下疑问句Are you students?

特殊疑问句What are you doing?

选择疑问句Are you a teacher or a worker?


I、询问姓名、年龄:name,How old

1. -What’s your name? -你叫什么名字?

-My name is ________. -我叫……。

2. -What’s his name? -他的名字是什么?

-His name is Mike. -他的名字是麦克。

3. -What’s her name? -她的名字是什么?



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