


strawberry lemons pear watermelon snake bat sparrow pigeon Forge text file document

cherish chase seize moment important impossible unbelievable


colourful [klfl] 多彩的

prefer [prf:(r)] 选择;宁愿要

winter [wnt(r)] 冬天

either [a(r)] 也

autumn [:tm] 秋天

ski [ski:] 滑雪

plant [plɑ:nt] 植物

camp [kmp] 野营

go camping 去野营


middle [mdl] 中间的;中等的

classmate [klɑ:smet] 同班考生

Australia [strel] 澳大利亚

answer [ɑ:ns(r)] 回

答China [tan] 中国

too…to… 太……以致不……

if [f] 假设


plan [pln] 计划

test [test] 考试

date [det] 日期

Why? 怎么啦?

be going to 打算;将

forget [fget] 忘记

important [mp:tnt] 重要的

month [mnθ] 月

museum [mjuzi:m] 博物馆

meeting [mi:t] 会议

open day 开放日

farm [fɑ:m] 农场

second [seknd] 第二

third [θ:d] 第三

fifth [ffθ] 第五

eighth [etθ] 第八

ninth [nanθ] 第九


have a good time 过得愉快

travel [trvl] 旅行

mountain [mantn] 大山

climb [klam] 爬

mountain climbing 爬山

beach [bi:t] 海滨

deer [d(r)] 鹿(单复数一样)

noon [nu:n] 中午


invitation [nvten] 邀请

would [wd] 将会,愿意

Would you like…? 你愿意……吗?

hey [he] 嗨

guy [ga] 小伙子;家伙

nothing [nθ] 没有东西;没有事情

sound [sand] 听起来

gate [get] 大门

a.m. 上午;午前

cool [ku:l] 太妙了,酷

Oh dear! 天啊!

problem [prblm] 问题

No problem. 没问题。

match [mt] 比赛

centre [sent(r)] 中心

supermarket [su:pmɑ:kt] 超市


I’d like to…= I would like to … 我想(做)……

invite [nvat] 邀请

special [spel] 特别的

surprise [spraz] 惊奇;使惊奇

begin [bgn] 启动

arrive [rav] 到达

call [k:l] 叫;打电话号码


by [ba] 乘;由

train [tren] 火车

leave [li:v] 离开

exciting [ksat] 激动的,兴奋的

valley [vli] 山谷

island [alnd] 岛

taxi [tksi] 出租汽车

London [lndn] 伦敦

New York 纽约

America [merk] 美国;美洲

Hong Kong 香港

American [merkn] 美国的,美国人

Australian [strelin] 澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人


trip [trp] 旅行;远足

excited [ksatd] 激动的

hotel [htel] 旅店

on foot [n ft] 步行

the Great Wall [ ɡret wl] 长城

the Summer Palace [ sm(r) pls] 颐和园

take a walk [tek wk] 散步

around [rand] 紧跟着; 在……的周围

lake [lek] 湖

street [strit] 大街;马路

underground [ndɡrand ] 地铁


safety [sefti] 安全

careful [kefl] 小心的

kid [kd] 小孩子

oops [ps] 哎呀

hurt [ht] 伤害

get hurt [ɡet ht] 被伤害

must [mst , mst] 一定要

cut [kt] 割

sharp [ɑp] 锐利的

yourself [jself] 你自己

watch out [wt at] 注意

fall [fl] 落

down [dan] 向下

fall down [fl dan] 跌倒

dry [dra] 弄干

bad [bd] 坏的

fan [fn] 扇

feed [fid] 喂养

dangerous [dendrs] 危险的


safe [sef] 安全的

cross [krs] 横过

traffic [trfk] 交通

light [lat] 灯

crossing [krs] 人行横道

road [rd] 路

stair [ste(r)] 楼梯

money [mni] 钱

candy [kndi] 糖果

stranger [strend(r)] 陌生人

trouble [trbld] 麻烦

in trouble [n trbl] 碰见麻烦

hour [a(r)] 小时

without [wat] 没有


direction [drekn] 方向;方位

way [we] 路,方式

lost [lst] 迷路的;丢失(是lose的过去式)

Excuse me. [kskjus mi] 劳驾;请原谅。

hospital [hsptl] 医院

straight [stret] 笔直地;直的

ahead [hed] 向前

right [rat] 右;右边的;正好

left [left] 左;左边的

miss [ms] 错过;想念

bank [bk] 银行

post office [pst fs] 邮局

zoo [zu] 动物园

restaurant [restrnt] 饭店;酒楼

police station [plis sten] 警察局


short cut [t kt] 捷径

were [w(r)] 是(are的过去式)

stand [stnd] 站;立

watch [wt] 手表

late [let] 迟的

out of... [at v] 在......的外面

took [tk] 走(计划),带 (take的过去式)

take the first right [tek fst rat] 在第一个路口右转

through [θru] 通过

suddenly [sdnli] 突然

believe [bliv] 相信

on time [n tam] 及时;及时

did [dd] 助动词(没有实质上意义) (do,does的过去式)

how long [ha l] 多长时间,多久


I. 1-5 ABCCA

II. 1. finished 2. diary 3. able 4. encourages 5. hosted 6. winner

III. 1. took 2. grows 3. will host 4. does, go 5. is reading 6. is going to be/will be

IV. 1. page from 2. badly in 3. will be able to 4. in the future





1. The text of Unit 5 in English textbook for Grade 4, second semester.2. 因为四年级下册英语课程设置中,第五单元是这当中的一个单元,这当中包含了对应的课文内容。3. 本单元的课文主要涉及了有关动物园的讲解和动物的描述,能有效的帮学生扩展词汇和语言表达能力。




一、Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?二、Unit2 How often do you exercise?

三、Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.四、Unit4 Whats the best movie theater?五、Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?

六、Unit6 Im going to study computer science.

七、Unit 7 Will people have robots?

八、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

九、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?

十、Unit10 If you go to the party,you ll have a great time!





Unit 1 Story time

(1) There is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go

Cinderella, come and help me!

Cinderella, where are my gloves?

(2)A fairy comes.

Why are you so sad, dear?

Because I cant go to the party.


Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.

Let me help you.

(3)Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.

Come back before 12 oclock.

(4)Cinderella has a good time at the party.

Sorry, I have to go now.

Hey, your shoe!

(5) The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on.

It fits!


内容: Unit1 The king’s new clothes Story time 1.Long long ago,there was a king.He liked new clothes.One day,two men visited the king.“My king,we can make new clothes for you.” The king was happy. 2.The two men showed the king his new clothes.“My king,please try on these magic clothes.Clever people can see them.Foolish people can’t see them.” 3.The king walked through the city in his new clothes.There were a lot of people in the street.They looked at the king and shouted,“What beautiful clothes!” 4.A little boy pointed at the king and laughed,“Ha!Ha!The king isn’t wearing any clothes!” 翻译: 第一单元:国王的新衣服 故事时间 1.很久很久之前,有一个国王。

他喜欢新衣服。一天,两个人去见国王。“我的国王,我们可以为你做新衣服。”国王很高兴。2.这两人给国王看了他的新衣服。“我的国王,请试试这些神奇的衣服。”聪明的人能看到他们。愚蠢的人看不到他们。3.国王穿过城市在他的新衣服。街上有不少人。他们看着国王喊道:“多么漂亮的衣服!” 4.一个小男孩指着国王和笑了,“哈!国王没有穿衣服!



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