


aunt [ɑ:nt, ænt] n. 姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母

brother [brʌðə] n 兄弟

cousin [kʌzən] n.堂兄弟;表兄弟;堂姐妹;表姐妹

daughter [dɔ:tə] n.女儿

family [fæmili; -m(ə)l-] n.家,家庭

father [fɑ:ðə] n.父亲 爸爸

grandfather [g rænd,fɑ:ðə] n.(外)祖父

grandmother [g rænd,mʌðə] n.(外)祖母

grandparents [g rænd,peərənt] n(外)祖父母

mother [mʌðə] n.母亲,妈妈

parent [peərənt] n.母亲,父亲

sister [sistə] n. 姐;妹

son [sʌn] n.儿子

uncle [ʌŋkl] n.叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨夫

photo [fəʊtəʊ] n.照片;相片

these [ði:z] pron. 这些

they [ðei] pron. 他们,她们吗,它们

mum [mʌm] n. 妈妈

left [left] n 左边 左侧adj. 左边的;左侧的

on the left 在左边,在左侧

dad [dæd] n 爸

right [rait] n 右边,右侧

adj. 右边的,右侧的

on the right 在右边;在右侧

who [hu:; hʊ] pron. 谁

woman [wʊmən] (pl. women [wimin])n. 成年女子;妇女

next [nekst] adj. 紧挨着,紧靠着

adv 紧 的,下一步

next to 在……旁边,紧挨着

husband [hʌzbənd] n 丈夫

front [frʌnt] n 前面;正面

in front of 在……前面

those [ðəʊz] pron. 这些

bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车

station [steiʃ(ə)n] n,站;车站

hospital [hɒspit(ə)l] n.医院

hotel [həʊtel] n. 饭店;宾馆

police [pəli:s] n.警察

theatre [θiətə] n 剧院

actor [æktə] n.(男)演员

driver [draivə] n.司机,驾驶员

manager [mænidʒə] n.经理

nurse [nɜ:s] n. 护士

policeman [pəli:smən] n.男警察

we [wi:] pron. 我们

an [æn; ən] art. 一个

job [dʒɒb] n. 工作

at [æt; ət] prep.在……;在……里

same [seim] adj. 一样的,同一的

doctor [dɒktə] n. 医生

farm [fɑ:m] n.农场

worker [wɜ:kə] n.工人

man [mæn] n. 男人

shop [ʃɒp] n.. 商店

its [its] pron. 它的

their [ðeə] pron. 他们的,她们的,它们的


sister /sɪstə(r)/ n 姐;妹,

mother /mʌðə(r)/ n 母亲;妈妈,

father /fɑ:ðə(r)/ n 父亲;爸爸,

parent /peərənt//perənt/ n 父(母)亲。

brother /brʌðə(r)/ n 兄;弟。grandmother /grænmʌðə(r)/  n (外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥。

grandfather  /grænfɑ:ðə(r)/ n (外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷。

grandparent /grænpeərənt/ n 祖父(母);外祖父(母)。

family /fæməli/ n 家;家庭。

those /ðəʊz/ pron 那些。

who /hu:/ pron 谁;什么人。

oh /əʊ/ interj 哦;啊。

these /ði:z/ pron 这些。

they /ðeɪ/ pron 他(她、它)们。

well /wel/ interj 嗯;好吧。

have /hæv/ v 经受;经历。

day /deɪ/ n 一天;一日;白天。

Have a good day!  (表示祝愿)过得愉快!


七年级上册第二单元英语作文试题是My family



I am Jane,I am twelve years old. Therere three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a worker, my mother isa teacher,I am a student. I like my family very much.


七年级下册英语一共有12个单元,重点学习情态动词can 、have to,has to的用法,重点短语play+the+instruments,play+球类/棋类/牌类,be good with/for/at/to,be

strict with sb, a symbol of,shout

at sb.等,学习的重点语法有大多数情况下目前时态,大多数情况下过去时态,目前进行时态等。

Unit1:Where’s your pen pal from?

Unit 2 Where’s the post office?

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?

Unit 4 I want to be an actor.

Unit 5 I’m watching TV.

Unit 6 It’s raining!

Unit 7 What does he look like?

Unit 8 I ’d like some noodles.

Unit 9 How was your weekend?

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?




12个 Unit1Where'syourpenpalfrom? 第一单元是这个标题的 人教版的


1.Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目标。

2.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say " Impossible".凡是决心获取成功的人是压根不说“不可能”的

初一英语第三单元作文my school?

My School我的学校

Im a primary school student and my school is beautiful. It is not too big or too small.But it is old, because it has a long history. It has many flowers and trees. They very beautiful. 0ur school has seven classrooms, a teachers office and a play ground. Wstudy in the classroom, play games and do morning exercises in the playground. In myeyes, it is the most beautiful school. We are happy to study there.



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