


1.Owners personalities affects their cats behaviour and wellbeing.

2.Provide their pets with the best care.

3.Further investigation.

4.Running is the best exercise for extending peoples life.

5.Improving their brain function.

6.She is too picky about food.


Christine Marshall, a-34-year-old mum of one posted a tearful video on social media, Wednesday, begging for the safe return of her beloved pet dog. After combing through the security video outside a global’s shop,

(3) Christine has now posted an image of a man suspected of stealing the dog. The image appears to show a man carrying the dog in his arms.

Christine also believes the video obtained from the shop shows the dog being stolen by a man before driving off in a car, which had been waiting nearby.

(4) The family is now offering a 5,000 pound reward for the safe return of the dog after launching a social media campaign to find the thief, the dog is six and a half years old and was last seen wearing a red collar.

Christine said “We will pay that to anyone who brings him home, as long as they are not responsible for his disappearance, please on investigating the incident”.

Q3 What is Christine Marshall trying to do?

Q4 What does the news report say about Christine Marshalls family?


1.Take over peoples perference into consideration.

2.Broading their interests.

3.Taking measures to attract prospective male teachers to work in the field.

4.It is too inclusive and thus lacks charity.

5.The cost of humans curiosity to explore.


A school project of collecting used books was held on campus last Wednesday.

More than three hundred students were participated in these activity and almost all of them took a fairly meaningful way to impart knowledge,according to a survey conducted.








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