ted演讲 自律的人生才自由演讲稿? 有人说一个人一生当中追求的最好的东西就是自由,但是,假设你做不到自律,你就得不到真正的自由,那就是这篇文章带给我们的思考。 有关自律的英文...
Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I would like to talk about the importance of self-discipline.
Self-discipline is the ability to control ones behavior and actions, even when faced with temptation or distraction. It is a crucial skill that can help us achieve our goals and lead a successful life.
Firstly, self-discipline allows us to stay focused on our goals. When we have a clear idea of what we want to achieve, we can use self-discipline to stay on track and avoid distractions. This means setting priorities, managing our time effectively, and avoiding procrastination.
Secondly, self-discipline helps us build good habits. By making a conscious effort to do something every day, we can turn it into a habit. For example, if we want to get in shape, we can use self-discipline to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. Over time, these habits become automatic, and we no longer have to rely on willpower to maintain them.
Thirdly, self-discipline is essential for personal growth and development. It allows us to push ourselves out of our comfort zones and take on new challenges. By setting goals that are just beyond our reach, we can use self-discipline to work towards them and achieve things we never thought possible.
In conclusion, self-discipline is a vital skill that can help us achieve our goals, build good habits, and grow as individuals. It requires effort and dedication, but the rewards are well worth it. So let us all strive to be more self-disciplined in our daily lives, and we will surely reap the benefits. Thank you.
Heres my speech on self-discipline:
Self-50 Percent
Welcome to my classroom! Im here to talk about sel滋 studies on the concept of selfeste as an activity that leads to quality control and personal well-being. The idea behind sel feats can be as follows:
1. Self prevention and discourse. This involves allowing the perception of what is going on and to disregard whatever it may be important to you.
2. Trust the impact of others on your quickness and effort. Being conscious of all the stuff you do and not let it get in your way.
3. Practice selves. For example, listen to which books you want to read and how much time you spend.
4. Be confident. Track while reading. Confidence is an inherent component of something that helps you better understand yourself and maintain a positive attitude.
5. Be selfless. To master other things you can try to mask them, such as the efficiency of the tasks or the excitement of the world.
However, its worth noting that sel states that even if you were concentrated and kept a strong imagination, you would still become overwhelmed by other people
Self-discipline is the cornerstone of success. Self-discipline能有效的帮我们保持专注,克服挑战,获取成功。 Self-discipline不是天赋,而是可以培养和训练的习惯。我们可以通过减少诱惑、设定目标、制定计划、建立良好的习惯等方法来提升我们的自律性。像减少社交媒体使用、设定目标来帮我们专注于自己想要的事业、减少浪费时间等,这些都是提升自律性的好方法。自律的人在面对挑战和困难时更容易坚持和克服,才可以最后成功。
99% of people are not willing to do, what it takes make their dreams come true.
The Marines have a saying: "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die"
The center of bringing any dream into fruition is self discipline
You know, something as simple as food and eating... it's not about your body as much as it is about your mind.
It's getting command of your mind to be able to choose actions that are in your own best interest.
Every day we are choosing shit that's not in our own best interest.
So if the world is attacking you and the world wants to fight you and the world's trying to hold you down.
So you're gonna kick yourself in the balls.
So you will stop yourself from getting what you dream.
And I think the word "discipline" has kind of gotten a bad name.
We think about it in terms of punishment.
I'm not talking about discipline in that way.
I'm talking about discipline in the sense that you you forego immediate pleasure for the exchange of long-term self-respect.
I believe that self-discipline is the definition of self-love that when you say that you love yourself that means that you have behavior towards yourself.
That is loving Self-discipline is the center of all material success.
You cannot win the war against the world if you can't win the war against your own mind.
Self-love is when you say to yourself Man, look I know you and that girl got a real connection I know y'all vibe, but Yes, your girl's cousin. So I love you too much to let you do that It's like you say to yourself a man look I know you want to eat that pizza and it'll be really good, you know, but I can't let you eat that man cuz if you eat that pizza, you're gonna feel like You know, and I I just I love you too much to let you eat that Self-love is a look.
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