


The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency closed-door meeting to discuss the rising tension in Ukraine.

  Tension in the country increased over the weekend after the Ukrainian government gave pro-Russian demonstrators an ultimatum to disarm or face a full-scale anti-terrorist operation.

  A security officer and a pro-Russian demonstrator died on Sunday following a confrontation in eastern Ukraine, where demonstrators have seized police and security buildings.

  Moscow reacted strongly following the deaths, with the countrys foreign ministry saying it is outrageous that the Ukrainian government is using armed forces for quelling protests. Russia has called for an end to the use of the military against the Ukrainian people and the start of a national dialogue for the sake of early and radical constitutional reform in Ukraine.


We were very excited to hear that the Shenzhou-V carrying the 38-year-old astronaut Yang, lifted off on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre, Gansu Province. After 21-hours and 23 minutes, the Shenzhou-V manned spacecraft landed in northern China. The success was exciting not only for all Chinese, but also for people around the world. That is an honor of our great motherland.

All of our classmates decide to study harder. We wish we could fly into the space by the spacecraft one day.


1.More cancelled flights for American Airlines and Delta. Both carriers scrubbing hundreds of flights as they continue to inspect wire bundles in planes. The focus is on spacing between the wires. The airlines say safety was not compromised.

2.Gunfire hits vehicles along a stretch of interstate in Virginia briefly closing the road, injuring two motorists.Traffic is flowing now as police search for those responsible for firing the bullets.

3.U.S. diplomats are taking cover in Baghdad, warned to stay inside reinforced structures because of rocket fire from insurgents that killed two government workers. The Green Zone where the embassy is located first came under rocket attack on Easter.

4.Flocke gets a look outside for the first time. The German polar bear had an early morning outing, preparing for her public debut next month. The cub navigated some rocks and gave the world a sniff.

1. 美国航空公司及德尔塔公司的更多班机被取消了。因为两家公司仍在对飞机线路进行检修,故此,取消了数百次航班。本次问题集中线路间隙处。航空公司申称飞机安全性不会受到损害。

2. 维吉尼亚洲边公路上出现枪击车辆事件,导致两名摩托车驾驶员受伤。交通现目前已经畅通,警方已经在调查本次枪击的责任人。

3. 美国外交官已经在巴格达避难,他们被警告一定要停留在安全防御地带以防起义军火箭炮袭击。据报道已有两名政府工作人员因受火箭炮攻击而身亡。复活节当天,格林地带大使馆第一次受到火箭炮袭击。

4. 弗洛克首次向外面张望了一下。这只德国北极熊早上已经出来散过步了,它已经在为它下月举行的第一次公众登台表演做准备。这只幼熊玩转着几块石头,给世界带来了惊喜。








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