


英文小说The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》

这部英文小说的作者是Jack London ,这部小说主要讲了一只叫巴克原的狗,他生活在美国南部加州一个温暖的山谷里,后来种种因素被卖到美国北部阿拉斯加,成了一只拉雪橇的狗。这只狗目睹了强者与弱者当中为了生存冷酷无情的明争暗斗。为了活命,它变得阴险、机智。最后重返山林。


Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. The book was first published on April 25, 1719.

Robinson Crusoe, the protagonist, was born in a middle-class family and spent his life traveling around the world.

On a voyage to Africa, I was caught in a storm and drifted to a deserted island, where I began to live in isolation.

With tenacious will and unremitting efforts, he survived tenaciously on the desert island and returned to his hometown after 28 years, 2 months and 19 days.

This novel was written by Defoe inspired by a real story at that time. In September 1704, a Scottish sailor named Alexander Selkirk quarreled with the captain.

Due to the shipwreck, Robinson drifted to a desert island.

He survived with his hard-working hands and perseverance

.Later, Robinson encountered a terrible cannibal on the desert island.

Robinson rescued a savage from the cannibal and named it Friday.

It was not until 28 years later that Robinson returned to his native England on a merchant ship.

Robinson Crusoe,the narrator of the story,tells us that he was born in 1632 in the city of York,England.

His father,a German immigrant,married a woman whose name was Robinson,and his real name was Robinson Kreutznaer,but due to the natural corruption of languages,the family now writes their name Crusoe.

He was the third son; his oldest brother was killed in a war,and the next son simply disappeared.When Robinson Crusoe first had an urge to go to sea,his father lectured him upon the importance of staying home and being content with his middle station in life.

His father maintained that the middle station had the fewest disasters and was not exposed to so many vicissitudes as the higher or lower part of mankind.

After his father expressly forbade him to go to sea,and,furthermore,promised to do good things for him if he stayed home,for another whole year,Robinson Crusoe stayed at home,but he constantly thought of adventures upon the high sea.








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