


William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire and was baptised on 26 April 1564. His father was a glovemaker and wool merchant and his mother, Mary Arden, the daughter of a well-to-do local landowner. Shakespeare was probably educated in Stratfords grammar school.

The next documented event in Shakespeares life is his marriage in 1582 to Anne Hathaway, daughter of a farmer. The couple had a daughter the following year and twins in 1585. There is now another gap, referred to by some scholars as the lost years, with Shakespeare only reappearing in London in 1592, when he was already working in the theatre.

Shakespeares acting career was spent with the Lord Chamberlains Company, which was renamed the Kings Company in 1603 when James succeeded to the throne. Among the actors in the group was the famous Richard Burbage. The partnership acquired interests in two theatres in the Southwark area of London, near the banks of the Thames - the Globe and the Blackfriar.

Shakespeares acting career was spent with the Lord Chamberlains Company, which was renamed the Kings Company in 1603 when James succeeded to the throne. Among the actors in the group was the famous Richard Burbage. The partnership acquired interests in two theatres in the Southwark area of London, near the banks of the Thames - the Globe and the Blackfriars.

Shakespeares poetry was published before his plays, with two poems appearing in 1593 and 1594, dedicated to his patron Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton. Most of Shakespeares sonnets were probably written at this time as well. Records of Shakespeares plays begin to appear in 1594, and he produced roughly two a year until around 1611.


可以描述莎士比亚生平故事的英语整版内容在80个字内较为困难 莎士比亚作为英国文学史上的传奇人物,其生平和创作经历的主要内容很丰富和复杂,包含了他的出生、成长背景、早年生活、演艺事业、荣誉收获等多个方面; 假设想要较为简洁地描述莎士比亚生平故事,可以从他的出生、家庭、受教育背景入手,讲解他在文学事业上的成功,还有著名作品的创作、出版和演出情况等总而言之,要让人在80个字内了解莎士比亚的生平,需精练、简练、层次分明的语言表达














莎士比亚的生平故事很丰富,基本上算是充满传奇色彩的 莎士比亚的家庭出身不算富裕,但他却天资聪慧,很早就有出色的文学创作,涵盖戏剧和诗歌后来他去伦敦发展,成为当时备受瞩目标演员和剧作家他的作品风格多样,以真实鲜活的人物刻画和深入透彻的人性洞察闻名生前有非常多出版的作品,死后更是被誉为英国最伟大的文学家之一 莎士比亚的作品针对英国文学和戏剧的蓬勃发展和进步出现了深入透彻的影响,并被广泛传播和翻译,成为世界文学宝库中的经典之一

William Shakespeare is a British literary history of the most distinguished dramatist, one of the most outstanding writers and Western literary history, one of the most outstanding writer in the world. His surviving works consist of 37 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems. His plays have in all major languages, and performed more often than any other dramatist.

Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford upon AVON, at the age of 18 and married Anne Hassevi, two people had three children: Susanna, twins Hamlett and Judith. At the end of sixteenth Century to early seventeenth Century during the 20 years of Shakespeare in London began a successful occupation career, he is not only an actor, playwright, or partner of the Chamberlain, later renamed the king's men. Around 1613, Shakespeare retired to AVON sur West Latuff, died 3 years later.

1590 to 1613 is the golden age of Shakespeare's creation. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, reached the depth and artistic








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