


1.take on 管束,担负;2.come true 达到;3.hand in 交上;4.turn to 请求帮忙;5.go by 以……计算;6.ring off 挂断;7.go over 学习;8.at ease 放松,安心;9.in sight 在视野里;10.set off 出发,启程;11.get through 完成;12.run out of 用完;13.hand out 分发;14.make up 编造,构成;15.come around 来访;16.look up 查阅;17.carry on 继续;18.cut off 割断;19.fall in love 爱上;20.break away 挣脱,逃走。


a couple (of) 一对,一对夫妇

a little 一点;少量;稍微

a good time to do sth 做某事的好时间

a pair of black socks 一双黑袜子

a picture of my family 一张我的全家福

a quarter past three 三点一刻

a set of keys 一串钥匙

a symbol of good luck 好运的象征

according to 依据

across from 在......对面

advise sb. to do sth 建议某人做某事

after all 毕竟

all in all 总结历次经验来说

all kinds of 各自不同的各样的

all the time 频繁;反复

all year round 全年

another three hours 另外三个小时

around the world 世界各地

arrive in/at 到达

art festival 艺术节

as far as I know 据我所知

as for 至于

as long as 只要;既然,

as soon as 一......就

ask for 请求

at birth 出生时

at least 至少

at the beginning of 在……启动

at the same time 同时

avoid doing 不要做某事


be able to do 可以做某事

be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事

be born with 天生;具有

be covered with 被……覆盖

be different from 不一样于

be due to do... 预定要做某事

be friends with 成为某人的朋友

be good at 擅长于

be good for 利于

be good to sb. 对某人好

be good with 擅长于应付……的

be harmful to 对……有害

be in (great) danger 处于(非常大)危险中

be in control of 掌管

be in danger 处于危险之中

be interested in 对.....感兴趣

be invented by 由……发明

be known/famous for 以……出名

be responsible for 对……有责任;负责任

be late for work 上班迟到

be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料)

be made of 由......制成

be made of 由……制成(看得出原材料)

be of medium height 中等身高

be patient with 对……有耐心

be proud of 为……骄傲;感到自豪

be ready for 备好;愿意(做某事)

be serious about 对…严肃 仔细

be similar to 与……相像的

be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

be sure about 确信;对……有把控掌握

be thirsty for 渴望

be used for doing sth./

be used to do sth. 被用于做……

be/get used to (doing) sth. 习惯于......;适应于.....

because of 因为

believe in 信任

belong to 属于

between … and 在……和……当中

blow out 吹灭

bring back 使想起

bring good luck to 给.....带来好运

bring out 使显现

by accident 意外的

by mistake 错误的

by the end of 在(某时间点)之前,为止

by the time 在……之前


call in 召来;叫来

call up 打电话号码给(某人);征召

call(sb.)back (给某人)回话

care about 关心;在意

care for 照顾;喜欢

check out 察看

cheer up 振作起来

Children’s Day 儿童节

clean up 打扫干净

clean…off 把……擦掉

clear out 清理

close to 基本上;接近

come out (书)出版

come on 加油

come over 过来;顺便拜访

come true 达到

come up with 想出;提出

compare with 与......比较

connect … with 连接

consider doing sth. 考虑做某事

costume party 化装舞会

cut down 砍倒

cut off 切除

cut out 删除;删去

cut up 切碎


deal with 处理

decide to do 决定做

depend on 依靠

die down 渐渐消失,渐渐变弱

dinning hall 餐厅

divide… into… 把……分开

do a good job 干得好

do ones homework 做作业

do the dishes 清洗餐具

dress up 装扮;乔装打扮

dress up as 打扮成

drink tea 喝茶

drop by 顺便访问;随便进入


each other 相互

eat out 出去吃饭

eating habits 饮食习惯

either … or 或者……或者……

encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

end up 最后成为;最后处于

enjoy reading 喜欢阅读

enough money 足够的钱

even though 就算,虽然

ever since 自从

every day 每天

Excuse me 劳驾;请原谅


fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着

fall down 突然倒下;跌倒

fall in love with 爱上,喜欢上

fall over 绊倒

fear to do sth. 惧怕做某事

feed chickens 喂鸡

feel free to do sth 随便做某事

feel like 感觉像

fill…with… 用……装满……

find out 查明;弄清

first of all 第一

fix up 修理;装饰

fly a kite 放风筝

for example/such as 列如

follow the rules 遵循规则

for sure 肯定的

from time to time 经常;有的时候,

from…to… 从……到……

full of 满是....的


get lost 迷路

get married 结婚

get a surprise 吃惊

get an education 接受教育

get dressed 穿上衣服

get in the way of 妨碍

get into 陷入;参加

get lost 迷路

get mad 气愤

get off 下车

get on with 和睦相处

get out of 离开

get popular 受欢迎

get up 起床

get used to (doing) 习惯于

get to 到达

get back 返回

get ready for 为……作好准备

get on 上车

give … a lift 捎……一程

give away 赠送;捐赠

give out/hand out 分发

give up 放弃

go off (闹钟)发出响声

go back to/return to 返回到

go out 外出(娱乐)

go out of ones way 特地;格外努力

go to the movies 看电影

grow up 长大;成熟


hang out 闲逛

happy birthday 生日快乐

hardly ever 基本上从不

have a cold 感冒

have a good day 玩得开心

have a school trip 郊游

have a yard sale 进行庭院售卖

have problems/a problem with 在......方面有问题

have to do with 有关;与……有光

have...seriously 有一样特点

hear from 接到(某人的)信、电话号码等

help ...out (帮......)分担工作、处理难题

help sb. out 帮某人摆脱困境

help sb.with sth. 在某方面帮某人

hundreds of 不少;非常多

hurry up 赶快,急忙


ID card 居民身份证

in a row 连续几次地

in English 用英语

in fact 其实

in front of 在......前面

in line with 与……成为一排

in need 需

in ones free time 在某人空余时间

in ones opinion 依......看

in order to 为了;目标是

in person 亲自

in public 公开的

in that case 既然,那样

in the countryside 在乡下

in the end 最后

in the face of 面对

in the shape of 以……的形象

in total 总共

instead of 代替,返而


join in 参与,加入

jump over 跳过


keep ... to oneself 保守秘密

keep ones cool 保持冷静

keep…away from 不要接近

kick off 开除某人

kind of 有点;稍微


last name 姓

lay out 摆开

leave out 忽视;不提及

less then 少于

let … down 使……失望

listen to 听

living room 客厅

look back at 回首往事

look for 找寻;寻找

look forward to(doing) sth 期待(做)某事

look through 迅速查看;浏览

look up 查阅;抬头看

look up to… 仰慕

lots of 非常多


make a difference 影响;有作用

make a lot of money 赚不少钱

make a wish 许愿

make a


look out当心

look on旁观

look back on回忆

look down on轻视

look forward to 期待


play for money赌钱

play safe求稳

play the game为人正直play high 豪赌


1、apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉

2、arrive at / in a place 到达某地

3、as well 也;又

4、 ask for 请求; 寻找

5、at breakfast /lunch /supper 早/午/晚餐时

6、at first / last 起先;启动时/ 最后;终于

7、at home 在家(里)

8、 at least / most 至少/ 至多

9、at once 马上;马上

10、at school 在学校;在上课

11、at the moment "此刻,现在; 那时,当时

12、at the same time 同时

13、at work 在工作

14、at the / on weekends 在星期六和星期天

15、 be able to 可以(有能力)

16、be afraid of 害怕

17、be angry with sb. 生某人的气

18、be bad for 有害于

19、be born 出生于

20、be busy with / doing sth. 主要精力都在做某事

21、on the/one's way (to) 在去……的路上

22、 on time 准时

23、 on weekdays 在工作日

24、once a day 每天一次

25、once again 在一次

26、once every four years 每四年一次

27、once more 再次

28、once upon a time 从前;很久之前

29、one after another "一个接一个,连续地"

30、 one another 相互



1、Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快

2、So far, so good. 现在为止一切都好

3、Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒

4、Keep it up! 不要停,加油,继续加油

5、Good for you. 好啊!做得好!

6、Time flies!时光如梭

7、Time is money. 时间就是金钱

8、That's life. 那就是人生

9、Now you're talking. 这才对嘛

10、have butterflies in one's stomach 慌张

11、You asked for it. 你自找的

12、read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意

13、The rest is history. 众所皆知

14、A little bird told me. 我听说的

15、It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行

16、Mind your own business. 不关你的事儿

17、Hang in there. 坚持下去

18、could be worse 可能更糟

19、Money talks. 金钱万能

20、count me out 不要算我

21、Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了)

22、go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分

23、You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了

24、Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧!

25、It's Greek to me. 这我完全不懂

26、take my word for it 相信我,

27、not one's cup of tea 不感兴趣;不合胃口

28、Get real ! 别闹了;别开玩笑了

29、head over heels 深陷;完全地

30、Suit yourself. 随你高兴








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