相关环境污染的英语万能句子? 当涉及到环境污染时,下面这些内容就是一部分可以使用的万能句子: 1. Environmental pollution has become a serious problem worldwide. 环境污染已经成为全球面临的严重问...
1. Environmental pollution has become a serious problem worldwide. 环境污染已经成为全球面临的严重问题。
2. It is widely recognized that environmental pollution is harmful to human health and the survival of plants and animals. 大家广泛认识到环境污染对人类健康和动植物的生存有害。
3. Measures must be taken to prevent the further spread of environmental pollution. 一定要采用措施防止环境污染进一步扩散。
4. It is essential to invest in the development of new technologies that can reduce the impact of environmental pollution. 投资开发新的技术以减少环境污染是至关重要的。
5. We must come together to fight against environmental pollution and protect the health of future generations. 我们一定要团结起来,抗击环境污染,为下一代保护健康。
6. Saving the environment is not only a moral obligation but also a crucial factor for our survival. 保护环境不单单是一种道德义务,还是我们生存的重点原因。
7. It is worth noting that environmental protection is a long-term investment that will pay off in the short and long term. 值得指出的是,环境保护是一项长时间的投资,将在短时间和长时间内带来回报。
8. A strong government commitment to environmental protection is essential for achieving sustainable development. 达到持续时间发展,政府一定要坚定地承诺环境保护。
9. Education is an important factor in promoting environmental protection. 教育是促进环境保护的重要原因。
10. In conclusion, environmental pollution is a pressing issue that requires immediate action. 总而言之,环境污染是一项紧迫的问题,需马上采用行动。
The environment has been polluted.(环境已经被污染了。) W must to do something for the environment.(我们需为环境做些什么。)
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